North Cyprus is amazing in many ways – stunning views make you speechless, ancient buildings leave you in awe before thousands of years of history. It makes you realize how we are all interconnected in this world.
Last weekend was great, we went to Karpaz, which is where the land ends and after that there is only the sea… It is mind-boggling for those who grew up on the continent that the land can ever finish.
We stayed the night at the Malibu hotel by the sea and at 6:30 the next morning we were walking on the beach and had a good 1.5-hour swim before breakfast. The water was pleasant and the sun was gentle. After breakfast we headed to Dipkarpaz nature reserve, where we saw many wild donkeys wondering in the vast fields or resting under the silver-leaved olive trees.
As we drove along the coast, as far as you looked there were kilometers of white sandy beaches, changing into precipices with white foamy waves licking the rocks. On the other side of the road - olive gardens and golden fields, framed by intense blue of the skies completed the view. Breathtaking!
We ended up spending most of our time on the Golden Beach, there were nice waves so we enjoyed riding them for a few hours. I’ve enjoyed the sun and the sea a bit too much – ended up getting a sun burn. But there is nothing that plain Turkish yoghurt can’t cure! If you apply it to the burnt areas, in my case was at least 50% of the body, you’ll find it absorbs fast and helps to relieve the burning.
A visit to St Andrew’s monastery was another highlight of the trip, but I will keep the juicy details for the next post.
Greetings from the Island of Love,
Your Tanka Lou
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