The weather has changed last night from scorching hot to a thunderstorm at night, and when you live by the sea the thunderstorm takes on a whole new meaning.
Last time Yakup and I saw an amazing storm at sea was when we were on Langkawi island on the beach, it was our last night at a bungalow, our windows were looking out to the ocean and the tropical storm with lightning and roaring thunder kept us awake all night. It was the scariest and the most beautiful sight I’ve seen.
This morning I got up when it was still dark, Kytsyunya, our cat, woke us up as she tried to get under our covers, a sure sign she is getting cold. I left her plenty of food the night before so she wouldn’t wake us in the morning.
I went to the balcony facing the sea and saw lightning slicing the dark blue skies at a distance, the clouds, heavy with rain were hanging over our house. Then the sun started rising and lighting the skies in a myriad of reds and oranges, the dark blue sky was changing to gray, the sea shimmering in the first rays of sun. I just sat there on the balcony at 6 am, watching God at work.
The castle we can see from our other balcony was covered in clouds, you couldn’t even see a flicker of light that the castle is normally surrounded by. It was all enveloped in white and gray clouds. Magnificent and a little bit creepy. All of a sudden I felt like a little girl watching the magic castle been eaten by the clouds.
I felt harmony inside just from watching the nature taking its course. Then the rain started and washed the trees clean and the smell of pine and cypress trees filled the morning air.
Greetings from the Island of Love,
Your Tanka Lou
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